Wednesday, February 14, 2007

happy freaking valentines

It is a bad day to listen to depressing music. And an even worse one to watch a semi-depressing movie. I honestly had the best day I've had in a really long time. I left work really happy. My principal told me I was a great teacher. Not a good one, not a decent one, but a great one. And he's one of those people that it actually means something coming from. Someone told me it was nice to see my smile back. (I just got over a week-long headache thanks to a chiropractor and a masseuse.) And I've been home for about 4 1/2 hours now. And I'm depressed. Because its Valentines, and I'm alone, and I know this is pathetic. But what the hell is wrong with me. Why can't it just work. Just once, why can't it be right. Because it only has to be right once. And then, it can be right forever. But if once hasn't happened yet, then... well then, I stay at home marking, watching semi-depressing movies and listening to "Hide and Seek" by Imogen Heap on repeat. And that is all I have energy for.


Anonymous said...

This post deserves a *smack smack* Valentine's day is a day to celebrate candy, chocolate and then love. And any kind of love.. friendship, familial, and THEN maybe that other kind of love. You've got like, 66 (assuming you live to 100) Valentine's left to be NOT single. So chill baby. You would have been happy if you got to hang out with us last night. I'm sorry :( HUG!

Anonymous said...

I neglected to leave my name, but I bet you can guess who that was. And who I am.