Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Not so bad

Recently, my life has seemed upside down and complicated on the inside, but relatively serene (well, as serene as I get) on the outside. Tonight it doesn't seem so funny. Tonight it seems more ahhhhhh. Like I can breathe, and I don't have to think about the implications in taking that breath. Its nice, what can I say? I'm going to get up, and take a nice walk in the morning, and life will be positive, though still relatively complicated.

Its a matter of choice, you see. I can choose to be discouraged and frustrated about things I can't really control (which is most of the time), or I can choose to be content, and keep moving forward in life, regardless of the twists and turns that happen. And I'm going to choose the latter. I can decide, I think, to accept that God has made me who I am, and that He has allowed things to happen in my life that don't always make sense. Because if strange things that I might not be able to handle on my own happen, well, we have a great God, and He is so able to handle everything. So this is me, giving my troubles to God, yet again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

anyone who thinks blondes are dumb has just to read this entry and marvel in the brilliance from a fair haired friend.