Thursday, May 05, 2005

Coffeemakers and Headaches

I get migranes. Not the paralyze you-can't function-stay home from work kind, but the dull roar for the next two days kind. It will sort of lull, worsen, and then almost go away, and then come back with a vengance. Not the best part of my life, that's for sure. I'm actually typing this with one hand, so that I can hold ice up to my left temple.

I got to work this morning, and like I do every morning, I dumped the cold left over coffee from yesterday, poured water in the machine, added coffee grinds, and pushed the start button. Today there was a problem, though. I got to the "push the start button" part, and it wouldn't work. I mean, it wouldn't even move. I have no idea what is wrong, I jiggled just about every part of that machine, and nothing helped.

What does one do in this situation? She leaves work, gets into her car, drives to the nearest Tim Horton's and buys an extra large double double. Normally it would only be a large, but I felt as though I deserved a bit more for my trouble. Ah, crisis averted.

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