Friday, May 27, 2005

Girlfriends and Country Music

There is one thing that really annoys me. It annoys me beyond belief. It annoys me because it is my nemesis: the one enemy I can never escape. This is that thing: every single guy who I have ever seriously liked (and most that I have maybe-sort-of liked) has had a girlfriend. I suppose it could mean that I like decent guys, I mean, they were at least good enough to get some girl to like them back. It makes no difference to me though, because I am NOT that girl. Ever. This is (lamely) one of my biggest annoyances in life. I guess I just figure that I am not that terrible, and if I am even pretty normal then why is there no available guys who it makes sense to date? Aside from a few guys in my past, a couple that were actually pretty great, I don't even get asked out. What could be that wrong with me? I wish someone would just tell me, and then I could fix it. Nothing like posting your insecurities on the internet, huh?

I suppose that is why Country music was invented. It makes you feel like dancing when you know you are about to cry, and it lets you cry when you really need to. Its never angry or yelling, and you never turn it off more mad than when you started listening to it. In the house that I grew up in, there was Christian music, and next best was Country. Rock, Punk, and Dance were, for the most part, bad and worldly. But not Country. It was the music of God's country. It has changed a bit since then, but to me, it's still completely necessary. I guess I'm thankful that I did grow up in a place where it wasn't "uncool" to listen to country, because no matter what anyone says, I'm still going to like it.

Country music was invented for girls like me. Girls with bad luck, who need help sometimes, and would rather die than pay someone to tell them they are unbalanced. Girls like me who have more insecurities than people know, but who sometimes just need to let go.

My worry is that I'm actually the only girl that thinks this way. Maybe I am not a girl that guys even contemplate dating. Maybe its NOT just that I'm not easy, or that I'm a little bit fat, or even that I'm intimidating. Maybe it's something much bigger and deeper, something that is so very wrong with me that my inner soul doesn't even know it. Thats what really scares me.

That's my little rant for the night. To summarize: why are there no good single guys, thank goodness for country music, and could it be that I am inherently undatable?

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