Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Fun Days and Bad Moods

What an interesting day it has been. I have been at a seminar for work for the last 2 days. I have a great job that I really can't tell anyone about in any detail. I'm not like CIA or something (but wouldn't that be cool?) but it would sort of be a conflict of interest I suppose. And, as this thing is semi-public, I probably shouldn't elabourate. Not that it would actually matter, because the only people who check this know what it is I do anyways.

Anyways, I saw the Queen in person yesterday, and I was probably within 4 or 5 feet of her. She even looked at me and I smiled. I met so many different people, who I talk to on the phone all the time, so it was great to put faces to phone numbers. This morning I went to a few lectures and stuff and then a few of us went to the Olive Garden and Ikea this afternoon. I bought a new desk organizer type thingy, and new hangers and a new lawn-lounger thing as well. Boy, I am not good at describing them. Unfortunately, just saying the name of what I bought isn't going to help, because all the merchandise at Ikea has names that don't make sense in english, like FIRA and MACKIS. In any case, I'm happy with my new purchases, and now my desk looks much prettier.

Unfortunately, I'm in a bad mood also. It is lame, but I had my feelings hurt by a couple friends, and I'm sucky at confrontation, so when I did talk to one of them I cried, because thats my natural reaction when under almost any type of stress. You might say, she is just a girl, that's what all girls do, but I honestly didn't used to be like this. Admittedly, I could never watch a movie without crying (even StarWars episode 6, embarrasingly enough). However, in normal conversation, and especially when I'm mad at someone, I used to be able to be stern and even yell when necessary, and stay completely angry. Now I have absolutely no control, and I just lose it. I'm a complete basket case. I wonder if perhaps I need professional help - ha ha.

So, if you were me, what would you do if you were in a bad mood? Well, write about it of course, and then post it on a website for everyone you know to read. Because that will help the situation- really. Somehow, writing is cathartic for me though. And maybe I shouldn't be posting these sorts of things for my friends to read, but maybe its ok, becuase that way I don't have to tell them what I'm really feeling, and they can know anyway. Writing on this website seems to happen when I'm tired, frustrated, sad or just mellow. Possibly not the best times to be writing, considering my reputation for happiness and perkyness, but whatever. I'm sure my lovely reputation will live, regardless of this posting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No professional help required. It is called hormones.