Sunday, January 21, 2007

Another big city weekend...

I just got back from the big city again. And was it a good weekend, you might be wondering? YES. Yes, without a doubt. But first the slight downer (I want to end on the exciting). Recently I've been disappointed in people... not like major broken hearted disappointment, just general hope let down sort of disappointed. I've decided that there really is no way to keep this from happening. You always hope that things go the way you want them too, but they just don't always, and you can't force them too. It sucks, but that's the thing about people, we can hope that they do what we want them to do, but sometimes they just don't, regardless of how much better it would be for them or you if they did.

This weekend I finally got to meet someone who I had barely met, but who I had msn-ed some. There had been some mutual interest, or at least mutual curiosity. It was pretty much as perfect as it could have been, considering the amount we already knew each other and the company present. I felt special, and I felt like I was important, and I felt pretty and liked. I had butterflies for the first time in a LONG time. I can't think of a better way it could have been.

This weekend was also fabulous because I got to see all my girls, and I miss them like crazy. Going to GP is going home to family, but going to the city is going home to life. Does that make sense? I love my family, but I don't want to move back there. I want to be friends with the girls in the city forever. I think that girls need peeps. They need confidants. They need someone to complain with, to laugh with, to have good days with and bad days with. My girls aren't family in the strict definition, but they're my real life.

Ok, time for a nap now... as great as my weekend was, it was missing one of my favorite pastimes: sleep. And I am going to compensate for this right now.

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