Friday, January 06, 2006

3 Crazy Weeks.

I was going to wait until I got back from Grande Prairie before I updated this thing, due to the dial up connection that my parents have out here. But a bit of prodding from the one person who reads my blog made me think otherwise. Its been a good, but busy, holiday. Much busier than I expected, anyways.

Here’s the rundown:
16th - got home
17th - dinner with Dan, Alician and James
18th - Davis’s for dinner, cousin Rachel has baby Leilah
19th - went to gym with mom and Karin, Shop till I drop for Christmas
20th - Finish Shopping, 1st day woke up with no headache. (since last week sometime)
21st - Bake!!
22nd - keep baking, see Narnia with Dad, Mom, Tannis
23rd - I forget. I was awfully tired by then.
24th - prep for Christmas dinner/day. Mom cuts hand open, goes to hospital with Dad, I make Christmas dinner. Insanity.
25th - Christmas! Fun, Crazy, Food was great, hallelujah!
26th - Boxing Day - Dan, Alician, James come out for day. Charity at home still, yay!
27th - No recollection of this day. I think it was relatively relaxing
28th - Massage. Ahhhhh
29th - Coffee with Edie and Jen
30th - Skiing at Powder King with Dad and Dan. Possibly best day of my Holiday. SO much fun. Only fell 3 times.
31st - See King Kong with Dan, Alician, Matt. Good fun movie - had splitting headache by end, due to sitting in same position for three hours with sore muscles from wiping out on 30th. Went home. Took drugs, slept, got up, hung out with parents and friends for new years.
1st - New Years Day - Church, Dan, Alician, James visit, play monopoly - fun!
2nd - Start organizing family pics from last 30 years. Hang out with Erin and Aaron, Go to Moxies and "Cheaper By the Dozen 2" with Tannis. Decide on Trip through states this summer. YAY!
3rd - Lunch with Grandma and Grandpa, keep organizing pics, dinner with Michael and Miriam.
4th - Lunch with Melissa, pictures
5th - pictures, Rachel’s baby shower for Leilah.
6th - so far, pictures, hopefully Charity will come out for the evening.

That’s it so far. I’m coming back to Sherwood Park on the 8th in the afternoon, and then my last semester of school starts. Profound thoughts on school? Nope. I can’t wait to be done. This semester will be crazy, I’ll be glad when its over, and then I’m going to go to Disneyland (literally - and the Oregon Coast, and the Redwood Forest, and the Grand Canyon, and possibly the Celine Dion show in Las Vegas. Yay Tannis!)

I definitely have not lost any weight this Christmas Holiday. Eating out, and eating so much so often does not lend itself well to "dieting." That will start on the 9th. Maybe.

I have read a few books while I’ve been home. I read the Princess Bride, which a friend gave me like 2 or so years ago. I had never had the time to read it, so that was nice. I am also about ½ way through "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader" which is the 3rd book in the Chronicles of Narnia. My 9 year old cousin is on the 5th book - go Gabrielle!

In any case, I would like to stay here and deny real life for another week or two, but that’s not going to happen. So I’ll see most of you in the next week or so, and say goodbye to a few.

See ya’ll later - Merry Christmas, all the best in 2006!

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