Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The Fallout

I'm a bit of an impulsive person. Not with major expensive decisions, but with small, spur of the moment types. This sometimes gets me in trouble, because I don't always think before I make these wonderful decisions. Thankfully I haven't made any life changing non-thinking decisions yet, in fact, its been a while since I made any that had any consequences whatsoever. That is until last night. I made a quick stupid decision and 10 minutes later, after I thought it through, I completely regretted it. This decision probably won't alter the course of history, or even REALLY the course of my life. It might affect me today though, and possibly one other person's day, who it also sort of involved. I don't mean to be so secretive, but I'm pretty embarrassed that I did what I did. It wasn't something terrible, or a sin or anything, it was just a stupid thing to do at the time. In any case, I have to go to work, cross my fingers and dread the fallout.

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