I could go a day or two without thinking about sadness and loneliness, and life is looking up. I have been reminded lately about how many people really do care about me, even though they aren’t right near me. I was also reminded recently that even though things might not work out the way you expect, sometimes something really great happens anyways, in spite of everything. And that is exciting. I think sometimes God works around our mistakes, which is a big relief.
I’ve been planning my week, figuring out what I need to photocopy tomorrow morning, and now I’m going to go to bed. Not having to drive 5 hours back to the city from GP is nice, but a drive is a drive, and I’m tired. And still full of turkey. Happy Thanksgiving!
And here is a picture of Isaiah, my new nephew…

Hey Hannah...I happened across your blog...by doing a Whitecourt search in blogger...but anyways I live in Whitecourt...I know how lonely it can be, especially when you're away from your family...it's not so bad here...once you meet people..that's half the battle..
I hope you don't mind that I've commented on your blog. Happy belated Thanksgiving and birthday!!!
Hi renee. Funny that you just stumbled across my ramblings. Small world i guess. Its fine that you commented on it. I suppose thats why its out there. For me to blow off steam, and for other people to enjoy, or not, as the case may be. I hope you're one of the few who enjoy it. :) Thanks for the encouraging Whitecourt words. It's actually turned out to be a nice place. I quite like it.
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