Saturday, April 15, 2006

Christian guys and CDL

I was talking to a couple of friends last night about dating. Christian dating in particular. Through this conversation I began to realize that, as girls, we (and Christian dating literature – I will call it CDL) have been really hard on guys. CDL, in general, goes something like this: Dating around is bad. It’s bad too start “dating” someone that you don’t know very well, so you should become friends with lots of people from the opposite sex and then pick one (and only one) to “court.” (and yes, we have reverted back to the 17th century) CDL puts so much pressure on guys, because according to CDL girls are only looking for the one guy that they will be married to for the rest of their lives.

I don’t think I’ve been completely incorrect in my little rantings about Christian guys, but this recent conversation has put things into perspective. No wonder Christian guys aren’t jumping at the chance to date. Even pretty and fun Christian girls must be looking for their soul mate, according to CDL, and so if a guy can’t be completely sure that she is the girl that he wants to spend the rest of his life with, he isn’t going to ask her out. NO WONDER Christian guys aren’t jumping at the chance to date! I wouldn’t be either.

So, to Christian guys on behalf of my mixed up sex: sorry. Not all of us are looking for our soul mate on the first date, and please don’t write me off because you’re worried that I am.

Have a good one! Gotta go mark now… love the life of a teacher…

Saturday, April 08, 2006

The best thing I've read in a long time.

This little article is enough to finally convince me to read Harry Potter. I have a deep respect for anyone who can put the state of females in Hollywood and throughout the world so succinctly. Genius…

From msn entertainment:

JK Rowling loves Pink, slams "talking toothpick" role models

JK Rowling has confessed that she's a fan of Pink's new song, 'Stupid Girls.' Rowling, who created the wonderful wizarding world of Harry Potter, has dubbed 'Stupid Girls' as "the antidote-anthem for everything I had been thinking about women and thinness."

"'Stupid Girls' satirizes the talking toothpicks held up to girls as role models," said Rowling. "Those celebrities whose greatest achievement is unchipped nail polish, whose only aspiration seems to be getting photographed in a different outfit nine times a day, whose only function in the world appears to be supporting the trade in overpriced handbags and rat-sized dogs."

Hollywood's so-called role-models are of special concern to Rowling who has two daughters, Jessica, 12, and one-year-old Mackenzie. "I don't want them to be empty-headed, self-obsessed, emaciated clones," Rowling said. "I'd rather they were independent, interesting, idealistic, kind, opinionated, original, funny, a thousand things, before 'thin'."

See what I mean? Awesome...

Sunday, April 02, 2006

The significance of 4 weeks

First of all, I’m sorry its been so long since I updated this thing. I’m in the middle of practicum – ’nuff said.

In 4 weeks a lot of things end. My life as a student, a major part of my “definition of me” for the last 19 years, will be done. My bachelor of education will be done. My post secondary education will be done. My practicum will be done. I can honestly say that life as I know it will be over.

Its actually a bit sad, really. The one thing that I’ve been good at, pretty steadily, throughout my entire life, will be the one thing I’m losing. It’s a bit of a security blanket I suppose. I don’t have a boyfriend, I’m not really athletic, I’m not exceptionally beautiful (Oh, Jo – your one true beauty! – name that movie), but I’ve always had my academic ability. I had better be a freaking awesome teacher to make up for it! Teaching has actually worked out pretty well for me so far, so I’ll keep working (and keep my fingers crossed) and see how it all works out.

There are a lot of unknowns in my life right now. I don’t really deal well with unknowns … my inner control freak doesn’t allow for a lot of out-of-my-control things in my life without being bothered. It’s a bit annoying really, I wish someone would just tell me what is in store. There is supposed to be some excitement and hope involved in this “trying to find a job” part of my life, and some people really get off on the future possibilities of their life. I’m generally not one of those people. I like order and planning and lists. I’m one of those people who books trips months in advance, and registers for classes the first day I’m allowed to, to minimize the risk that I won’t get into a class that I want or need to take.

Anyways, God has become more important all of a sudden … trusting him means a lot more when there really is no other choice.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about spiritual stuff … to be vague … I don’t think I’ll talk about it all today. Maybe in another blog later (like 4 weeks from now when I can breathe) and maybe never. We’ll see. Its just on my mind.