Monday: Midterm in Political Science
Tuesday: Fire in apartment building
Wednesday: Back to school, get extention on Anthro paper that was due today
Thursday: Help Denise go through her apartment, what a mess
Friday: Get midterm back: A-, Go Hannah
Saturday: Decorate apartment for Christmas, go Erica and Hannah, finish paper due last Wednesday
Sunday: Work on Religion Paper due Tuesday
Monday: Finish Religion Paper, get History paper back, B+, not so bad!
Tuesday: Hand in Religion Paper, see Walk the Line. Good movie. Snowy outside.
Wednesday: Hand in Anthro Paper: Hallelujah! Last paper of the semester.
Oh, did I mention that my apartment building was on fire? Check out the results:

Notice the lack of roof? Imagine what the top floors looked like...
But life goes on, I have another roommate now, yay for Denise! Erica and I had fun decorating...

So, life keeps changing, you meet new people, sometimes randomly and sometimes via your mother, and fall out of touch with others. Sometimes I get that feeling that I'm so completely out of the loop that I might never get back in it. Or maybe I was never in it in the first place. The thing is, this should bug me. It really bugs be when my friends are hurt from finding out secrets that they maybe deserved to know, or maybe just should have known because everyone else already did. I guess someones got to be the last to know, but why is it always us?
In my case, I should probably care more than I do. I guess I blame myself. This semester has been a gong show, and I haven't exactly made a huge effort to keep in touch with people. As far as the rest of my little posse goes, they're more important to me than knowing everything about everyone, or even somethings about some people. Friends are important, and I think because I've been such a hermit this semester, I've found out just how much better a few close friends are than a hundred acquaintences.
We have another Federal Election coming up in January. As much as I hope otherwise, I'm predicting another Liberal Minority. The ND's might gain a few seats, but the east is afraid to vote to the right, so the Conservatives will probably remain pretty much where they are. On that note, why are the Bloq even a party? I think that one requirement to have federal party status is that the party should at least claim to have the good of all Canadians in mind. The bloq are unabashedly a provincial party, and will remain so. Even the green party has small amounts of support across the whole of Canada. Maybe I won't vote. Who would I vote for? What a gong show.
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